"We'll have it next year""In the next few years...""It will get better with time" These are common phrases that teachers and administrators say to the senior class hoping it makes us feel better. I don't care if classes below us have more opportunities, it has no effect on me. Is it supposed to make me feel better knowing that other classes will have a better high school experience than me? Why should I care if the current freshman class gets x, y, and z. It doesn't matter to me.
Everyone says that it's so cool that I'm in the first graduating class, but is it so cool? I don't get a normal high school experience. I don't have a football team to cheer for. I don't have any sweatshirts or spirit wear because they aren't any. We don't even have a legit school store. We can only get sweatshirts twice a year, and it took 4 years to finally get a magnet for your car. It's actually really sad that current seniors won't have a real high school experience because we're too busy creating one instead of enjoying one. It's hard to have school spirit if the school doesn't try hard to make a normal high school experience. All I ever hear is "It's you guys who make the traditions and set up traditions for the rest of the school".... that sucks. Why can't I enjoy a normal high school experience? Why must I make traditions instead of follow them? This high school puts so much emphasis that we are the first graduating class, but I don't think they really know what that means. It means that we don't have traditions to follow. It means we don't get a normal high school experience. It means that it's harder to have school spirit for a school that has nothing normal to offer. High school is not the end of the world and I realize that but I’ve been here for four years and nothing has changed. I’m still told that same things from day one.
ReplyDeleteTo play devil's advocate, you could always switch from NCS back into your feeder school, and then you would have a football team, a sweatshirt, and traditions already in place. It's not that the school leaders don't know, but we want everyone to have a say as it is a very unique tradition. Most public schools started around the early 1900's when people were just thankful to have the opportunity. Thus, I would say to you and the senior class, enjoy the opportunity to make history or go to the feeder school and do what has been done already.